Organic Crop Protectants launches into New Zealand
NZ… I’d like you to meet Organic Crop Protectants!
So here’s a little about us. Organic Crop Protectants (OCP) was founded in Australia in 1991 and we’ve been developing and manufacturing quality eco-friendly organic horticultural products ever since.
We like organic growing plain and simple. We like that it nurtures the earth and gives us healthy plants and produce. We also have a particular soft spot for beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs so we design our products to be safe for beneficials.
Our products are used by hundreds of Australian commercial farmers and growers, as well as home gardeners. At any one time we have multiple research projects unfolding as we continue to look for new ways to organically and safely solve gardening problems.
We’re now widely recognised as industry pioneers and are very proud to have been part of the organic movement long before it became trendy. As part of our commitment to genuine organic products all of our products are independently certified as organic inputs by BioGro.
In 2018 we joined the DuluxGroup which is home to some of Australia and New Zealand’s most trusted and oldest brands including Dulux Paints, Yates, Selleys and many others.
And now it’s New Zealand’s turn with the first fab two products available for organic gardeners!
eco-flo lime and eco-flo gypsum
- Liquid formulations that work faster than traditional powdered lime and gypsum
- Super concentrated formulations with each 500ml bottle as effective as 20kg of powder
- Super convenient as no digging is required, just water them in!
Use eco-flo lime and eco-flo gypsum to quickly improve soil fertility and structure. Learn more about each on their product pages:
Keep an eye out for more product releases in 2020!